Family Therapy

I know they don’t come with a manual, but is there a warranty?

Sometimes raising kids, keeping the house in order, paying the bills, and staying sane can feel a bit like herding cats.

You want to raise the children well so they are happy and successful and grow to become healthy adults. But as the saying goes, no one gave you a manual on how to do this when the stork dropped them off, or you left the hospital, or wherever it is your babies came from. 😉

Life just kind of happens after that, and you have been figuring it out as you go.

Some things have worked well, others not so much, and now you are looking for something that will bring your family together the way you imagined it would be when you were preparing for them to join you all those years ago.

Erosion of Family

Like no other time in human history have we faced the struggle of giving others our full attention.

We are marketed to daily and use our electronic devices as a distraction for boredom, anxiety or in the name of productivity. What results can often be a distracted or productive person (sometimes both).

And like no other time in human history have we faced the erosion of the family – in part due to our distractions or need to perform to a higher level with everything that has to be accomplished.

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”

-Mother Theresa

It’s time to change the way your family works, but how? What would life even look like? How would they be different? How could we get every family member on board with some real lasting change?

If these questions are running through your mind on a regular basis, it sounds like you could use some help sorting out those things that work and others that don’t. Maybe we will even develop new tools to make sure things stay running like a well-oiled machine and not something that will fall apart after the hard work has been put in.

My vision for a healthy society is a thriving family as the cornerstone.

Whether it’s a troubled teen who could use someone to talk to, parenting or co-parenting issues, or maybe just finding a way to keep everyone around for dinner, there are many avenues to improve the way the family interacts.

The family goes through seasons.

Your family adjusts and re-adapts in every season of life.

Remember having to adjust your clothes as a mom to account for baby growing inside? Or maybe swapping out the sports car for the SUV? How about your sleep schedule for the first few weeks…months…years?

These changes happen throughout your family’s life, and it isn’t uncommon to struggle a bit between changes as they enter school, puberty and everything in-between.

Let me help you in your desire to build the best family you can.

If you could use some help managing and navigating through these transitions, let me support you in every way I can to make it a true success!