5 tips for anger management

anger management

Anger is such a powerful emotion that can really completely take over your mind and body if you allow it. Many anger management techniques are most effective as preventatives, when you are NOT in the moment. I’ve included a few of each. When you feel the heat rising, it’s great to have your go-to strategies ready and waiting for you.

1.) Get moving.

Every emotion has a specific frequency and vibration within your body. Regardless of what exactly the emotion is, if you’d like to move it, moving your body is one of the more efficient ways to shift the feeling quickly. Go with your gut and move in whatever way feels natural. Some days it might be something like running around the block, other days it might be something like yoga. Don’t overthink it, just do it.

2.) Curate a calming playlist.

Again along the lines of vibration, many people respond very viscerally to music. If you’re one of those people, take the time to create a nice playlist of music that feels soothing and relaxing to you. This is one to prep in advance and have it handy whenever you need it.

3.) Visualize positive responses.

If you have a habit of lashing out in anger, remember that it is just a habit. Habits can be shifted once they are conscious. Lashing out in anger is just a knee-jerk reaction, not a response. Take the time to imagine a previous situation in which you reacted negatively and visualize in detail what you could do next time. How would you like to respond? What type of response would feel realistic and possible for you in the moment?

4.) Do something productive.

There’s nothing like chopping wood or cleaning something that’s really filthy when you’re angry! See if you harness the excess energy of your anger and funnel it into something useful.

5.) Get out into nature.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m really big on using nature as a way to combat stress. I know it’s not always possible to run away into the woods every time you find yourself feeling stressed, but maybe it’s just a matter of including nature into your routine more regularly, or combining it with other therapeutic techniques. Nature really does have a special way of restoring balance and if you’ve never experienced it for yourself, I’d love to help you.

Hopefully this brief list gives you a few ideas to try and doesn’t minimize the complexity of anger management. I know how overwhelming it can feel at times and there are lots of other contributing factors to consider when trying to move out of those patterns. Whether it’s anxiety, depression or anger, feeling stuck with any negative emotion is not a good feeling. Just remember that you DO have a choice.

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.

- Laurie Buchanan


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