Accidental manifestation

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What exactly are you manifesting each day? Are you creating growth and progress? Or are you gradually eroding your mind and limiting your beliefs? It is one or the other.

Words are incredibly powerful. You own internal dialogue can make or break you from the inside out. Words you say, or words that others say over you can cut down, build up, bless or destroy based on intention and awareness. With that in mind: do you even know what’s coming out of your mouth these days? Are you paying attention to your own themes?

If you’re interested in or aware of energy, you’ve GOT to pay attention to what you’re ACTUALLY saying. Not just what you think, or what you’re feeling, but HOW you are expressing yourself.

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In order to express yourself well, you need to take the time to choose your words wisely. When we continually spit out whatever is on our mind, we typically end up stuck in an unconscious and negative cycle. (A recent Harvard study revealed that upwards of 85% of the thoughts you have today are the EXACT same thoughts you had yesterday…OMG)

We’ve got to wake up from these subconscious traps. Once that literal groove in our brain gets more and more worn down, it becomes akin to trying to ride your bike up out of a ditch and back onto flat pavement. It’s going to take some work to even notice you’re in the ditch, admit it, get tired of struggling there, and then pump your way intentionally out.

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One of the simplest ways to become aware of your words is to practice just catching yourself in the act each day. What are you complaining or worrying about the most? What do you talk about with friends and coworkers? What do you share or ‘like’ on social media? Look back through your texts. What are you regularly saying, venting, focusing on and talking about?

Whatever you focus on the most, you are CREATING. If it’s something you DON’T want, it’s literally like watering the weeds in your garden.

I call it: accidental manifestation. The three most common themes of accidental manifestation I notice most often are: chronic pain, negative self-image, scarcity mentality.

Chronic Pain: It’s completely understandable to need to process, discuss and troubleshoot chronic pain or illness. Everyone’s line is different, but when are you crossing over from constructive sharing to destructive complaining? Is your sharing solution-based or just habit? You can be honest about your struggle without creating extra self-limiting beliefs.

Negative Self-Image: Again, totally understandable to be struggling with self-image and working on self-love. But how are you actually talking about yourself? Not just to other people, but in your own head? If you’re sick of not feeling good enough, or beautiful, smart or strong…etc. it has to start with what you are saying. *This one comes out a LOT in a seemingly innocent self-deprecating sense of humor. It might seem funny or lighthearted at the time, but truly: remember that whatever blessings or curses you are speaking over yourself land. And there is often ‘truth in jest.’

Scarcity Mentality: This is the biggest one and comes up in many different ways, but scarcity mentality just means that you believe you do not have enough. That may be time, money, love, attention, recognition, resources…etc. It often comes up in our perception of ownership. What do you cling to the most? What do you often feel as if you lack?

From the outside looking in, it’s all truly hard to watch. We’ve all had friends or loved ones who complain more than they act, or just keep repeating the same old patterns. And sometimes, it’s been us as well. It can become very draining to experience these beliefs, and equally draining to support such relationships.

One of the most challenging twists of any negative beliefs is that because of the constant repetition, they do often become self-fulfilling prophesies (or the accidental manifestation). There is even a neurological phenomenon in the brain called “auto-suggestion” that occurs once a thought is repeated enough times over and over and over again. Whether it’s positive or negative, the subconscious mind becomes tricked into believing it is reality simply due to the amount of repetition.

For example: If you’re constantly telling yourself that you ‘don’t have enough money,’ you simply will not be able to think outside of the box to recognize opportunities for more earning, saving or growth. You will actually be unable to receive more until you believe that it’s possible. Financial security is a psychological belief.

The good news is that there are lots of methods to the madness of snapping yourself out of these beliefs and patterns. Things like counseling, journaling, prayer, and mindfulness meditation can assist the process. Some of the fast-track techniques are methods like Splankna and EMDR. They’re most useful for subconscious beliefs because they are essentially able to bypass many of the conscious patterns that would typically be our biggest hurdles. None of these ingrained patterns will change overnight, but Splankna and EMDR directly access the subconscious mind and can create noticeable change in as little as one session.

If you’re ready to stop your ‘accidental manifestation,’ contact Dave for Splankna or Jordan for EMDR!


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