Expanding your horizons

Have you ever been in a situation that leaves you feeling completely stuck, stagnant or burned-out? It could be a job, a relationship or a life direction. Maybe you keep hitting dead-ends or feeling like every day is the same day-in and day-out. How do you know you are heading the right or wrong direction? What comes next? And if you are on the ‘wrong’ path, how do you break the viscous cycle?

As a Christian, I strongly believe that these ‘feelings’ are ways that the Lord speaks to us.

I’ve experienced this many times over the years–a sense of general unrest like something is ‘off.’ A gut feeling. Sometimes it takes a while to put your finger on it, while other times, it’s the elephant in the room. We don’t know what’s next, but we do know that something needs to shift. It’s in these moments that God often asks us to take a leap of faith.

The more often you experience this type of need or shift, the easier it will become to notice it and act upon it. But if you are new to your walk with God or just young in your life, it can feel very overwhelming and confusing. Here are a few things I’ve learned over the years to help navigate these tumultuous times and expand your horizons:

  1. When you think you hear from God, take your time. Oftentimes, when there is a lot of emotion or pressure wrapped up around a decision or an event, it tends to cloud our communication with God. You may hear from him, but you may also inadvertently put your own spin on what he actually said. Be cautious when saying you actually heard from God. Make sure you are interpreting correctly. Seek confirmation and take your time before acting.

  2. You always have a choice. The more trapped you feel, the easier it is for the enemy to gain a foothold in your heart. Lies become agreements and you find yourself thinking, “I will never be able to ________.” When you find yourself making decisions from a place of fear or resignation, see that as a red flag.

  3. Watch out for the pitfalls of your ego. We’ve all made dumb decisions, but some of the worst come out of our desire to control a situation, our belief in self-sufficiency or a ‘grass is greener’ mentality. Remember that all of your decisions affect everyone around you and if you’re not fulfilling whatever role that the Lord has for you, then you are robbing yourself and those around you of healing. Whether you ego is calling you to stay stuck where you’re at or strike out in a reckless way, be sure to check your motives with unbiased mentors and the Lord.

  4. Pray for union with the Lord. The number one takeaway lesson to learn here is that you can NOT do this alone. How many times have we all proven that in our lives? If you think you have everything under control, the Lord will reveal more to you, oftentimes in very challenging ways. Seek the mind of Christ above all else so that your thoughts and desires are his.

God is good. His plans for us are good. He desires for us to seek him first and he wants to grow and heal us and expand our horizons. Practice surrendering to him and allowing him to do his work without interfering. He will show up for you.

Are YOU a therapist looking to expand your own horizons?

Here at True North Vitality, we are always seeking motivated, mature and Christ-centered counselors to compliment our growing team.

Mediocre therapists are a dime-a-dozen. Do you see yourself as set apart in the field of counseling? Are you looking for a workplace that will feed your soul as well as your professional growth?

Please read our Career Opportunities page and fill out our contact form to start the process.


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