Grief Relief
3 part healing series for mind, body + spirit
3 Fridays in March, 17th, 24th and 31st from 11:00am - 12:30pm at The Space
Why is meditation so hard?
I always share with my clients who are new to meditation practice: meditation is simply concentration. We tend to attach all sorts of extra feelings, expectations and assumptions on top of that. When we naturally find it difficult to meditate in a certain way, we just say that we ‘can’t meditate.’
How to Interrupt the Pattern on Repetitive Arguments
You know what types of arguments or disagreements you and your partner have on a regular basis. You can almost see the storm brewing a mile away once it starts to play out (again), but it seems inevitable. It can leave you both feeling shutdown and hopeless. What do you do when your ingrained ‘differences in perspective’ lead to an all out thrown down fight? And even more so: what can you do when that argument is on repeat in your relationship?
How to prepare for autumn
Like it or hate it, fall and winter are coming to western Pennsylvania. Though I personally love this time of year and what’s to come, I recognize that it can feel difficult for many people. Seasonal depression tends to coincide with the ever decreasing daytime. Cold weather often causes people to spend more time indoors, resulting in feelings of isolation or boredom. Still others simply have negative connotations in relation to cold, hibernation time or the holiday season.
Frequency of emotions: how to raise your vibration
If everything is frequency and we are experiencing a low vibration frequency within our body, the idea is that we can influence and shift that frequency by coming into contact with a higher frequency. The higher frequency could come from our own thoughts (i.e. meditation), music, movement..etc. Think about what types of things naturally raise your vibration or make you feel good.
Active v.s. Passive Self Care
What’s the very first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “self-care?” For most of us, it’s bubblebaths. Self-care is SUCH a hot topic buzzword nowadays, yet most of what’s portrayed is still only representing 50% of what self-care really is: the passive aspects, or in general, various types of restful activities.
Mental Health & Natural Immunity
But what if there’s more to the phenomenon of ‘getting sick?’ Why do some people rarely seem to get ill or catch germs? And why is it that illness is exacerbated by other stressors? Have you ever thought about the emotional and spiritual implications of dis-ease, individually and collectively?