
Grief is for more than death
Mental Health, Self Care, Spirituality Rosslyn Kemerer Mental Health, Self Care, Spirituality Rosslyn Kemerer

Grief is for more than death

When you think of or look up a definition of ‘grief,’ it’s typically thought of as “deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.” But it’s such a specific feeling isn’t it? And I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt it WAY more often than exclusively around death.
How many different types of grief are you aware of besides death?

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How to support someone through grief (do’s & don’ts)
Nicoletta Whiteman Nicoletta Whiteman

How to support someone through grief (do’s & don’ts)

Grief is defined as deep sorrow. Many associate grief to death, but this can be any loss. A breakup, a season of life changing, even in conjunction with happy times such as getting married, but leaving our childhood hometown, or having a baby, but knowing you will miss your life before children. Grief is relative and comes and goes in our lives at various points in time. We will go through many waves of grief, as well as those around us throughout our lifetime.

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Help for grieving
Mental Health, Self Care Rosslyn Kemerer Mental Health, Self Care Rosslyn Kemerer

Help for grieving

I’m relatively new to big losses and understanding the journey of grief, but each time I experience it, I learn a little something. If you or someone you know is experiencing grief and loss, you might benefit from receiving or offering some of these suggestions and recognizing what NOT to do as well.

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